Event – the Berlin Digital Strategy

Information and networking event on December 11 from 18-20 hrs at CityLAB Berlin.

In September 2018, the Berlin Senate voted to develop a Digital Strategy for the city of Berlin on the basis of the red-red-gree coalition agreement. To support project management, the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Enterprises (SenWEB) commissioned the consulting firm Ernst & Young.
In order to accompany this process constructively and critically, an alliance of actors from civil society, science and politics came together in June 2019: the Digital City Alliance for Berlin. Because of Berlin multitude of highly qualified people within the digital field, we see the Digital Strategy as an opportunity to rethink and design a social-ecological, participative and democratic city for the 21st century. In March 2019, the Senator Ramona Pop signed the declaration of the “Cities Coalition for Digital Rights”. This is a great normative basis for the further development of the digital strategy and should therefore be highlighted and adressed within a broad discussion. In preparation for the civic participation process that will begin in 2020, the Digital City Alliance for Berlin invites the public to an information and network evening. With this event, we want to initiate a broader discussion over the basics and next steps of the digitisation strategy, to integrate interested persons and to further strengthen the networking of the institutions involved.

Ultimately, it is a question that concerns all of us: What kind of digital city do we want to live in?

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